Storia e Curiosità di Caffè Borbone


Caffè Borbone was born in 1997, drawing inspiration from the delicious dark drink of the monks of the convent of San Francesco di Paola near Naples.

In fact, it is said that this delicacy was tasted in 1734 by King Charles III of Bourbon. The new Neapolitan sovereign seems to have gone near Porta Capuana to find physical and spiritual refreshment in this monastery, before entering Naples to free Campania from the Austrian invasion. On that occasion, the monarch had the pleasure of tasting their precious coffee, which he was delighted with.

Charles III did not yet know what that delicious drink was but he was so attracted by its enveloping aroma and its dense and decisive flavor that he felt his limbs and spirit immediately reinvigorated. That dark delicacy with a firm, full-bodied flavor and an enveloping scent was nothing other than fine coffee. An intense espresso, scrupulously prepared by the monks for the new King who appreciated its invigorating properties as well as its intense aroma.

After more than two centuries, the goodness of that coffee and its perfect preparation down to the smallest detail, from the harvesting of the beans to the roasting, from the grinding to the packaging, is today in our cups. That same delight that made the Sovereign fall in love has been updated by Aromatika Srl, which has been able to replicate its exquisiteness in Caffè Borbone .

For over twenty years Caffè Borbone has pampered its customers, transforming the coffee ritual into a moment of true relaxation and infinite pleasure.

This is the story of Bourbon, a centuries-old tradition that has made Naples and Italy great and which in a short time has allowed this coffee to become one of the most appreciated and drunk, both in our country and in various other parts of the world.

But what is the secret of Borbone coffee?

Simple, the reason for its success lies in the carefully chosen raw materials (the best varieties of Arabica and Robusta) and in the quality of the recipe kept unchanged over time. Borbone capsules are made exclusively in single-dose versions and are offered in different blends, such as red, gold, black, blue green (decaffeinated).

Don Carlo versions are available, compatible with Lavazza a Modo Mio machines and Respresso capsules ideal for Nespresso coffee machines. Don Carlo capsules have been specifically designed to combine two fundamental elements: taste and savings; compatible with Lavazza a Modo Mio, Don Carlo capsules allow you to save around 50% without having to sacrifice the taste and aroma of a coffee for true connoisseurs. They are the result of Aromatika srl's twenty-year experience, the skilful work of Neapolitan specialists who have been able to faithfully reproduce the delicious blends of Lavazza a Modo Mio capsules.

Borbone Respresso capsules allow you to savor, with Nespresso coffee machines, the unmistakable full-bodied and dense aroma with a strong and decisive taste at a decidedly advantageous cost. All perfectly combined with the unmistakable goodness of Bourbon coffee, they are available in the indispensable Respresso blends Black, Red, Gold, Green (decaffeinated) and blue.

Why buy compatible Borbone capsules?

The roasting process is done using the rotating drum method, so that the beans are roasted evenly. This is why choosing compatible capsules for your coffee machine represents a guarantee for demanding consumers. Easy to use and compatible with your machines, they allow you to prepare excellent coffee at a lower cost and without getting anything dirty.

Curiosities about Borbone coffee

Did you know that Bourbon capsules never lose their fragrance?

Well yes, this coffee keeps all its aroma and fragrance perfectly intact until it is used, which is another reason to buy them without hesitation. This happens because their packaging is carried out in a protected and perfectly controlled atmosphere which guarantees their correct conservation until expiry. Furthermore, Borbone capsules can be safely used both for home use and in the workplace so you can always enjoy a delicious coffee like the one in the bar!

Caffè Borbone today has become one of the largest coffee producers in Italy; However, its dense commercial network has also made it possible for it to be widely distributed internationally and its quality-price ratio has meant that this precious blend has become one of the most appreciated and sold coffees in the world.

Compatible Borbone pods and capsules are highly appreciated and can be easily purchased online on this website.

👉 Bourbon capsules for Nespresso

👉 Borbone capsules for Lavazza a Modo Mio

👉 Bourbon capsules for Nescafè Dolce Gusto

👉 Borbone capsules for Lavazza Point

👉 Bourbon pods filter paper 44 mm

👉 Bourbon pods 38 mm paper filter
